Wire harnesses

AC S.A. is a well-known manufacturer and distributor of LPG systems. However, an important area of company operations includes the delivery of top-quality harnesses which are used not only in the automotive industry but also in other industries related to electronics, automation and robotics. Experienced personnel and modern work stands guarantee manufacturing precision and reliability, confirmed with testing each time. We produce harnesses for our proprietary autogas systems, as well as for outside customers. The scale of our production is 40k wire harnesses per month, each of which is made up of 55 wires on average. We can safely say that we know everything about harnesses.

AC S.A. is specialized in preparing wires with a cross-section from 0.22 mm2 to 6.0 mm2 and a lengthfrom 60 mm to 10 000 mm. The maximum length of prepared wires can be increased to 14 000 mm by adding more feeders to the machine. The range of application is also wide: harnesses for towing hooks, battery cables, autogas systems, tractors, forklifts, motorcycles and even special vehicles like ambulances or fire trucks.

The parameters of harnesses offered by AC S.A. meet the applicable quality and technical standards. The wires are made according to DIN 72551-6, terminal crimping is made according to PN-EN 60352-2

For the production, we also use components of renowned partners, e.g. KET, SUMITOMO, TYCO (AMP), YAZAKI, MOLEX, FCI, BOSH or MTA. They are selected for individual batches, brands or car models, or, according to the customer requirements. Wire processing is performed with the use of top-quality automatic machines by:  KOMAX and  TYCO, controlled with network-connected PC computers and managed with TOPNET software. The automatic assembly machines enable the wire terminals to be crimoed in different configurations, including double crimp and seal application, with 100% inspections of the connections. All harnesses are tested with a computer.

The machine park of AC S.A. satisfies the needs of the company and responds to the needs of outside customers. We offer production services to many partners that can rely on our experienced personnel and professional equipment: STRUNK resistance welders - for wire joining, Onda-Taper machines - for the automatic taping of harness branches, Komax Kappa 220 and 225 cut and strip machines - for cutting PVC jackets or Oskar Kahles coilers – for the reeling and bundling of harnesses.

Equipment failures, delays, lack of reliability? Our contractors do not know such phrases.

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