Accessories - injectors

Elements for the replacement of worn parts in STAG injectors.


Product: STAG autogas injectors
Model: STAG AC W01, STAG AC W02, STAG AC W03
Type of autogas fuel: LPG and CNG


No. Part
1 Metal and rubber damper 15/8/M4 70ShA
2 Nozzle 1,5
3 Universal nozzle Ø6
4 Elbow 
5 Elbow 12
6 Elbow PS
7 Ferrule 
8 Ferrule 
9 Gas ferrule
10 Universal bracket
11 Nut_hex. NO-M5-8-OC
12 Spring clip 11
13 Spring clip 19
14 Spring clip 16,6-19,8
15 Oring-5x1,5-FKM-70
16 Oring-7x1,6-FKM-70
17 Oring-9,5x1,8-FKM-70
18 Washer SPR-M4-OC
19 Washer PŁ-M4-OC
20 2-section distributor
21 3-section distributor
22 3-section distributor
23 4-section distributor
24 T-way 12 AC W03
25 Gas hose 12
26 Gas hose 5
27 Cotter pin 
28 Straight cotter pin
29 Straight cotter pin
30 Rail plug 

Mobile applications


Controllers LPG/CNG direct petrol injection

Controllers LPG/CNG - DIESEL


Injection rails LPG / CNG

Reducers LPG

Fuel injector emulator - Controllers LPG/CNG direct petrol injection

Fuel level emulator

Fuel pressure emulator

Switches petrol / gas

Timing Advance Processors

The pressure sensor





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