GF01 vapor phase filter with 2x12 outlet KPL

LPG and CNG vapor phase filter. Separates solid and liquid particles contaminating the gas in the vapor phase i.e. vaporized LPG or expanded CNG. Dual output 2 x fi 12 allows operation/connection of two injection bars simultaneously without the need for an additional filter.


Product: vapor phase gas filter.
Autogas fuel type: LPG
Warranty time: 2 years
Homologation: E8 67R-01 8450, E8 110R-01 8451 "M"
Index: WGM1020AH


Feature   Benefit  
Two fi 12 outputs   Possibility to connect two injection bars
Simple replacement of the filter cartridge No need to remove gas lines
Complete interchangeability of stubs and elbows, also with R01 R02 reducers Full freedom in the location of the filter in the engine compartment 
Inlet stubs (elbows) in the filter cover Free adjustment of the angle of setting of the elbows



  • 2 diameters of input spigots (elbows) Ø 12 and Ø 16.
  • Available spigots and elbows with angles of 90 and 120 °C.
  • Separator attached to the filter cover with 4 screws.
  • Availability of cartridges: standard filter cartridges.
  • Filtration efficiency for particulate matter up to 10 μm for factory filter cartridge. 
  • Effective protection of injectors from oily substances and particulates.
  • Expensively increases the trouble-free performance of the vehicle's entire gas supply system.
  • Reduces maintenance costs for a car equipped with a gas system.

Mobile applications


Controllers LPG/CNG direct petrol injection

Controllers LPG/CNG - DIESEL


Injection rails LPG / CNG

Reducers LPG

Fuel injector emulator - Controllers LPG/CNG direct petrol injection

Fuel level emulator

Fuel pressure emulator

Switches petrol / gas

Timing Advance Processors

The pressure sensor





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