Q-generacja STAG

5-8 cylindrow

QMAX PLUS -the power of autogas technology



STAG QMAX PLUS, QMAX PLUS is a continuation of a proven and recognized STAG QBOX PLUS,


QMAX PLUS  designed specifically for 5-8 cylinder engines with indirect fuel injection.


QMAX PLUS benefits:

  • auto-adaptation OBD,
  • innovative auto-adaptation ISA 3,
  • support for CAN and K-LINE according with OBD2/EOBD,
  • extended options for reading OBD with auto error canceller,
  • overlap when switching fuel,
  • built-in emulator pressure level
  • built-in fuel level emulator
  • 2 full-service banks,
  • angle connector-90 pin.


Dedicated for automotive
The processor is designed and manufactured only for use in automobiles, features many characteristics flawless use.

The innovative system auto-adaptation ISA3

ISA 3 is an innovative approach to the auto-adaptation, which should be done after the actual time of gasoline injection with some parameters OBD.
ISA3 is:

  1. dedicated map correction  independent on the correction turns injection time,
  2. collection of accurate reference card petrol injection time, taking into account the temperature of the engine,
  3. recognition modes of closed and open loop in real time
  4. view the oxygen sensor  signal from OBD of the vehicle.

Auto-adaptation OBD

Auto-adaptation OBD guarantees gas injection, exactly suited to the operating conditions and engine load. Influence on the composition of the mixture not only has information about the time of injection of gasoline, but also the modification in accordance with correction current gasoline unit.

Automatic OBD error canceller

Automatic OBD error canceller provides deletion of selected malfunctions OBD, without the need of connecting external devices.

FPE built-in emulator pressure level

FLE built-in fuel level emulator 


Mobile applications


Controllers LPG/CNG direct petrol injection

Controllers LPG/CNG DIESEL


Injection rails LPG / CNG

Reducers LPG

Emulatore iniettori - Controllers LPG/CNG direct petrol injection

Emulatore galleggiante benzina

Emulatore di pressione benzina

Switches petrol / gas

Timing Advance Processors

The pressure sensor





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