
AC SA a member of the World Liquid Gas Association


As Poland's largest manufacturer of automotive gas installations, AC SA joined the World LPG Association (WLGA) in July 2024.

The WLGA brings together more than 300 private and public companies operating in more than 125 countries, involved in one, several or all activities in the LPG industry. It promotes the use of LPG in various areas of the economy, including automotive.

- Our mission is to work for a better world by developing technologies that promote economical and environmentally friendly transportation and sustainable energy. This goal is consistent with the goals of WLGA, so we believe that membership in the organization will strengthen our cooperation with partners around the world. We also want to be a representative of the interests of the Polish LPG industry at the international forum,” stresses Anatoly Timoshuk, president of AC SA.

The association was founded in 1987 and was granted Special Consultative Status with the UN Economic and Social Council in 1989.

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