
AcStag application update


We have updated our AcStag application for handling STAG-branded controllers to AcStag- The latest update includes not only new engine codes, but also firmware updates for STAg 400 DPI and Q-generation family controllers.
What has changed?​   

- Qgen_v2_14_0__2023-10-20.nfp for Q-generation controllers [STAG-4 QBOX (BASIC and PLUS); STAG-300-6/8 Q-MAX (BASIC and PLUS); STAG-4 QNEXT PLUS].Minimum required version of the application: v0.55

Changes introduced in firmware v2.14.0 (compared to v2.13.8):


- STAG400_v4_2_0__2023-10-04.nfp for STAG 400.4;6;8 (AC) family controllers

Changes introduced in firmware v4.2.0 (compared to v4.1.9): 


Besides the addition of entirely new codes and assembly annexes, some of the previous items have changed. What has changed?




Description of changes




1. Changing the calibration code from Hyundai/Kia G6DH (3.3 GDI) to Hyundai/Kia G6DJ (3.8 GDI). 
2. Adding a table with a description of the connection of FPR with STAG controller.




1. Adding a table with a description of the connection of the FPR with the STAG controller.




1. Adding a table with a description of the connection of FPR with STAG controller.




1. Detailing the type of injector to W031 STD (was W03). 
2. Supplement the description of the rotation connection with the information that it is a camshaft.


EcoBoost(2,7_340KM_FordEdge ST_NANO) 


1. Detailing the type of injector to W031 STD (was W03). 
2. Supplement the description of the rotation connection with the information that it is a camshaft.




1. Correct incorrect data in the Russian-language part of the annex.




1. Correction of the wrong pin number of the fuel pressure sensor in the English and Russian parts of the annex.




1. Refinement of the injector type to W031 STD (was W03). 
2.  Added note about the falsification of gasoline level readings after conversion to gas and the need to take care of the correct level of PB in the tank, so as not to damage the fuel pump




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