
New packaging. The same reliable STAG


Soon enough, STAG products in redesigned packaging will be available for our clients. Controllers, injectors, reducers and filters will get new boxes. When designing the new boxes, we focused on simplicity, modernity and functionality.


Clear identification

Boxes containing controllers and product kits have gained a unique identification system. The symbols help to identify the product that is packed inside.
Square (4), hexagon (6) and octagon (8) symbols are simple graphical indications of the number of cylinders a given controller supports.

An abbreviation of the name of the controller is printed on the symbol. Designation of the specific product is included on the labels, which have also been given a new, clearer design.

To make it even easier to identify the product, there is a simple key on the packaging, explaining the meaning of the symbol on the label.


Manuals in Smartphone

The new boxes also make it easier to access the brand's product manuals. A QR code has been placed on the top of the packaging to redirect the user to a website with all the required documents. You can download the manuals to your Smartphone and always have them at hand 


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