
STAG at the trade fair in Lima


In the last days of October, we presented STAG products and solutions at Figas&Vehigas in Lima. Peru is one of the countries of South America, which is a rapidly growing market for alternative fuels.

Figas&Vehigas trade fair is one of the most important industry events in South America and the world. On 5,000 square meters, the fair brings together suppliers of solutions and technologies that use gas in industry or automotive applications, including manufacturers of autogas installations.

As one of the largest manufacturers of autogas installations, we presented STAG products and solutions at a booth prepared by our subsidiary AC SA in Peru. Visitors to our booth were able to get acquainted primarily with solutions that allow conversion of direct injection engines to run on LPG, as well as CNG.

- Our presence at the fair allowed us to establish valuable contacts with car importers and networks of garages assembling gas car installations," emphasizes Paweł Baraniuk, director of the export department of AC SA.

The South American market is one of the most dynamically developing markets for alternative fuels. That is why a subsidiary of AC SA was established in Peru in 2014.  We are particularly active in this market in the D-OEM sector, i.e. in so-called "zero-kilometer assemblies," which are becoming increasingly popular.


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