
The Large Pearl of the Polish Economy for AC S.A.


Once again, AC has received the title of “Pearl of the Polish Economy”. The award is given to the best business entities, as selected by experts from SGH Warsaw School of Economics. The initiator of the ranking is an economics magazine, Polish Market.

The most eminent Polish companies were awarded the title of Pearls of the Polish Economy for the 17th time. AC S.A., a leader in the automotive gas installation industry, took the title of the Large Pearl of the Polish Economy - winning 5th place on this list. The basic condition to qualify for the ranking is that a company generates at least PLN 100 million in revenue annually. The key aspects of the company's financial standing are assessed, i.e. profitability, liquidity and level of indebtedness. The methodology is the responsibility of experts from the Institute of Econometrics at SGH Warsaw School of Economics.

AC S.A. is a leading Polish and global manufacturer of end-to-end solutions for automotive LPG and CNG autogas systems under the STAG brand. It has been operating in the car market since 1986. Now it is the largest Polish company in the gas installation sector (more than 50% of the Polish market, according to estimates). It offers more than 200 autogas products, including the most popular LPG and CNG drivers. The company's products are appreciated by millions of drivers in 50 different countries of the world.

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