
AC S.A. wins the Moto Idea 2018 award


The jury of the MOTO IDEA AWARD 2018 contest decided to award AC S.A. in the Top Supplier category. The results were announced at the Motoidea automotive industry show in Wrocław.

For the past 9 years the winners of the Moto Idea award have been selected by the leaders of the Polish automotive industry as well as by Deloitte Poland. They are a sign of great recognition of a company’s business achievements. The conference traditionally includes awards for the best companies in such categories as: Market Leader, Top Supplier and The Leader of The Future. The Top Supplier award is given to companies who greatly impact the future and the development of the Polish automotive industry.

AC S.A. is one of the leading Polish and global manufacturers of comprehensive autogas LPG and CNG systems under the STAG brand. It has been operating in the vehicle market since 1986, and today is the largest Polish company in the gas installation sector (estimated at more than 50% of the Polish market). It offers more than 200 autogas products, including the most popular LPG and CNG drivers. The company's products are appreciated by 5 million drivers in 50 different countries around the world.

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