
STAG 500 DIS - Entrepreneur's Product of the Future


AC has received a prestigious distinction in the “Product of the Future Developed by an Entrepreneur” category, as part of the 20th edition of the Polish Product of the Future contest. This contest is organised by the Polish Agency for Enterprise Development and the National Centre for Research and Development.

Its goal is to promote the most innovative products and technologies, those which have a good chance of succeeding in Polish and global markets. The STAG 500 DIS has been recognised as a pioneering technology in the gas installation sector for direct fuel injection. The system allows fuelling by autogas without the use of gasoline. It joins a group of the most innovative products and technologies manufactured in Poland which are most likely to succeed in the market.

“We are proud that our product, even though it is still in its testing phase, is recognised in such contests. This confirms the innovativeness and ingenuity of the engineers working on the STAG brand,” said Mrs. Katarzyna Rutowkoska, President of the AC S.A. Board.

Nagroda w konkursie "Produkt przyszłości przedsiębiorcy"

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