
AC S.A. among the Golden Hundred Companies with the title of the Exporter of the Year


The company AC has been included on the  prestigious list of the Golden Hundred Companies by the “Kurier Poranny” daily. It came first in the category “Exporter of the Year 2016”. It is another significant distinction acknowledging  the development and expansion of the company from Podlasie.

AC S.A. has once again been ranked very high among the large companies in the Voivodeship of Podlasie. The selection of the “Golden Hundred Companies of Podlasie”, made by the local daily “Kurier Poranny”, was announced at a gala which was held on 24 November in Białystok.

The title of the Exporter of the Year and the first place in this category are recognition of the company's performance in 2016. High revenues from export activities or investment expenditures in 2014-2016 are not the only achievements which contributed to the award. In the evaluation of the companies, the organisers of the competition also considered the consequences of the export policy, the share of exports in total sales, the diversification of export markets, the dynamics of revenues and employment, the continuity of investments by the expansion or modernisation of plants, as well as the creation of scientific and research centres.

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