
AC S.A. becomes a beneficiary of the Regional Operational Programme


program RPOWP

AC S.A. was visited by representatives of the Marshal’s Office due to the implementation of the research and development project under the Regional Operational Programme. The meeting with the President of the Management Board of AC S.A. Ms. Katarzyna Rutkowska was attended by the Vice-Marshal Mr. Maciej Żywno, the Director of the Business Innovation Office Ms. Emilia Malinowska and the employees of the Investor Service Centre. The delegation learnt the details of the operations of the Company, visiting, among others, the Electronics Department, the Wire Harness Shop and the Research and Development Centre.

Przedstawiciele urzędu marszałkowskiego w ramach Regionalnego Programu Operacyjnego w firmie AC S.A.Przedstawiciele urzędu marszałkowskiego w ramach Regionalnego Programu Operacyjnego w firmie AC S.A.

The visit was related to the project grant, which will allow for the purchase of equipment for carrying out R&D works. It will enable the development and implementation of innovative products, including LPG solutions for a methane-fuelled industrial engine or an installation for propelling motorised farming machinery with alternative LPG/CNG fuel. The result of these works will help to reduce farming machinery fuel consumption by up to 25%, thus reducing the emission of pollutants.

Przedstawiciele urzędu marszałkowskiego w ramach Regionalnego Programu Operacyjnego w firmie AC S.A.Przedstawiciele urzędu marszałkowskiego w ramach Regionalnego Programu Operacyjnego w firmie AC S.A.

The value of the project is PLN 5.3 million, whilst the grant from the Regional Operational Programme exceeds PLN 2 million. The project is going to be completed in March 2019.

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