
STAG at the 7th “Mission East” Military Picnic


The largest Military Picnic in the region was held with the support of the STAG brand. Together with the organisers, we encouraged the participants to explore the history and traditions of the region during the seventh edition of the Picnic.

STAG sponsor VII Pikniku Militarnego "Misji Wschód"

The sound of gunshots, the rattle of armoured vehicles and battle screams of soldiers could be heard in Ogrodniczki near Białystok during the 7th “Mission East” Military Picnic. Historical shows were presented by over seven hundred reenactors from Poland and abroad. The Picnic is the largest event of this kind in the east of Poland.

STAG sponsor VII Pikniku Militarnego "Misji Wschód"

The visitors could watch the reenactment of two battles: one from the early Middle Ages and the other from 1920, take a ride in military vehicles, and see contemporary military equipment: tank Leopard 1A5 and wheeled vehicle Rosomak. In the camp of ancient Slavs, everyday life in the past was presented. It was a unique opportunity to see ancient warriors and contemporary military units at the same time.

STAG sponsor VII Pikniku Militarnego "Misji Wschód"

One of the attractions was the tank T-55 Merida, which – thanks to the gas system installation – can also be fuelled with LPG. The innovative LPG installation was designed for light commercial vehicles, trucks, buses and diesel-powered agricultural or construction machines; but it also proved useful in a historic tank. The installation is intended to reduce the operating costs by up to 20–25%. In addition, it lowers the emission of particulate matter, that is soot, in the exhaust fumes of the tank. The durability and reliability of the STAG Diesel installation was confirmed by the tests conducted under extremely difficult conditions in a gravel pit near Białystok.

STAG sponsor VII Pikniku Militarnego "Misji Wschód"

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