
ISO/TS 16949 declaration of conformity for AC S.A.


AC S.A. has completed the implementation of a quality management standard for suppliers in the automotive industry. It has received a certificate confirming the compliance of the quality management system with the requirements of the ISO/TS 16949 standard.

ISO/TS 16949 is an ISO technical specification hat combines the requirements set out in the existing American, German, French and Italian quality management system standards within the global automotive industry. It establishes quality requirements for the quality management system in automotive companies.
With the certificate, AC S.A. has not only enhanced its prestige but also obtained a licence to carry out international trade and expand its capacities. This will enable the company to avoid product defects, as it requires a process-oriented approach to quality management, which makes it possible to recognize the interactions between processes, identify the existing risk and contain it or minimise its impact. With the process-oriented approach, increasingly better process results can be achieved by monitoring and measuring process efficiency and effectiveness, and by continuously implementing corrective and improvement actions.
By providing additional guarantee of consistency to all stakeholders in the global exchange of products, the certification also opens up new business opportunities and attracts investors.

The global automotive industry requires world-class products, productivity and competitiveness, as well as continuous improvement. Aiming to provide quality and competitive technological solutions, AC S.A. invests in its development to meet even the highest of expectations.

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