
Automated guided vehicle for automotive warehouses


Based on the cooperation agreement concluded between AC S.A. and the Faculty of Transport at the Silesian University of Technology, a design of an automated guided vehicle (AGV) for the automotive industry has been developed.

The development and automation of technologies is normal these days. The introduction of automated machines in warehouses goes hand in hand with the development of any large, specialized company and facilitates the order picking processes in the warehouse.

The testing and selection of the best sensors for the AGV forklift is carried out to adjust the machine to the requirements of the company and to ensure the safety of personnel. In order to select the sensors, a detailed analysis of the sensor functions and the impact of other factors on their operation was performed.

The project was the subject of the Master's Degree dissertation by Zuzanna Zyzak, Eng., and Marcin Zdziech, Eng. The dissertation was supervised by Krzysztof Garbala, PhD Eng., employed at AC S.A., as well as Kazimierz Witaszek, PhD Eng., and Mirosław Witaszek, PhD Eng., from the University.

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