
STAG TEAM in Wrocław - a new coaching approach


STAG TEAM in Wrocław - a new coaching approach
The innovative format of  the STAG TEAM training in April was highly-rated by the workers and owners of service workshops in Warsaw. A few hundred visitors gathered together to learn from the knowledge and experience of the highly-qualified coaches. September will bring a new training seminar, this time in Wrocław.

The characteristics of the state-of-the-art products of the Q-generation STAG line, solutions for cars with direct fuel injection or practical aspects of autogas installations – these and other current issues will be addressed in the course of the high-intensity training sessions organized by AC – the manufacturer of STAG brand autogas systems.

Apart from the superb organization, comfortable conditions in three rooms used simultaneously, as well as full care of the participants, the innovative format of the meeting is also worth mentioning. For the first time, the participants will be able to select the training subjects in which they are the most interested and participe in more than one training in the same day.

- We are aware of the fact that the workers and owners of car workshops working in the autogas sector have advanced knowledge of LPG system installation, however, they are also too busy to participate in dedicated product training. Hence, we have changed the formula of a full-day training dealing with one subject. The new proposal is based on creating conditions which allow participants to go to several high-intensity sessions focused on the most important aspects, and all in one day – summarizes Paweł Ścibisz, Market Development Manager at AC S.A.

After the training, all STAG TEAM participants will receive individual certificates confirming the completed training to expand knowledge and skills. A nice touch is also the fact that the participants will receive packages of marketing materials that have been developed specifically for STAG partner workshops.

You can sign up for the training at:

szkolenie wrocław 24.09.2016szkolenie wrocław 24.09.2016szkolenie wrocław 24.09.2016szkolenie wrocław 24.09.2016



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