


The 4th Conference of Business Partners DIESELLAND in Tarnobrzeg was the perfect opportunity to present the STAG DIESEL technology to workshop representatives from the south-eastern part of Poland. Participants of the Conference could test three vehicles powered with STAG DIESEL autogas systems.

The heavy weight category was represented by VOLVO FH truck with a 13-liter engine and rated 500 hp. 112 hp VW Crafter and 144 hp Toyota Hilux were also shown on our exhibition stand. All vehicles were equipped with STAG DIESEL systems. The presentation would not have been complete without information boards listing the benefits of LPG-fueling.  Big savings on the cost of fuel, reaching even 24%, allow the user to save up to PLN 1000 on a distance of 10000 km. For the owners of the workshops invited to the event, the conference offered short presentations on the subject of gas-Diesel future and the challenges this innovative technology has to face. However, the presentation by Marek Gryko, Product Development Department Manager at AC S.A. turned out to be the most important, being informative and substantive, it resulted in further discussions with technicians handling the AC exhibition stand and the test vehicles. Of course, there were test runs to verify the power of LPG in a Diesel engine. It is interesting that many participants declared the will to join the STAG DIESEL project by participation in training organized by AC S.A.

As an additional extra on top of the successful presentations, sets of reliable technical information and motor industry magazines containing an article on the testing of the presented VW Crafter were given to visitors.


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