
STAG Save – user-friendly calculator app


The family of mobile applications designed for users of cars equipped with STAG-branded LPG systems has been increased by a new practical product. STAG Save has been added to the GasComputer, STAG w Trasie (STAG On the Road) and STAG Mobile applications. This is  a simple and intuitive tool with a clear and simple presentation of the real savings that can be obtained after the installation of a STAG autogas system in the car.

All you have to do is to note the visit to the filling station and the application will show the total cost of petrol, the cost of petrol with the autogas system in place and the amount of savings since the installation. But that's not all. There is no better way than an example of the specific benefits obtained with the money saved on fuel. This is why the application informs the user when the savings reach an amount that allows the  telephone bill to be paid or a romantic dinner for two to be ordered in a popular restaurant. The functionality of the application becomes greater as the determination of the user grows. After a defined time,  statistics can also be checked with the help of useful charts. The program not only informs, but also motivates.

The car is not equipped with an autogas system yet but the owner plans to install one? Here the application is also irreplaceable – with a single click a recommended fitter from the network of STAG Authorized Service Points can be contacted.

For users and owners of cars with LPG systems, driving is more economic and ecological. That's a fact. However, now they can also travel more comfortably and safely with the support of innovative solutions created by the trend setter on the LPG market for 30 years. This is the future.


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