
AC S.A. is one of the leaders of Poland's largest automotive manufacturers


The survey "TOP30 largest automotive manufacturers with Polish majority capital", organized by Bank Zachodni WBK in cooperation with the Polish Chamber of Automotive Industry (PIM) and Bisnode Poland, ranked AC at  the high position of 7th.

The Polish specialty, apart from the manufacture of automotive parts and components, covers the production of semi-trailers, trailers and superstructures for trucks, as well as the production of buses and special vehicles. The automotive industry is one of the  economic spheres which has the greatest contribution to a higher GDP in Poland and an increase in export. This results from the activity of not only international corporations, but also Polish manufacturers that have handled specific niche markets. In the survey of 30 Polish automotive manufacturers, more than half (16) are companies that produce parts and components.

The Podlaskie Province is represented by AC S.A. from Bialystok - an internationally renowned manufacturer of autogas systems (STAG brand) not only for petrol-fueled engines, but also for diesel. The company, which is listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange, was ranked as highly as 7th in the survey.

AC SA STAG giełda

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