
Technological Innovation of 2016


The sequential autogas system for engines with direct injection, STAG 400 DPI, received the title of Technological Innovation of 2016 at the 3rd Congress of Automotive Experts. The award is further proof of the recognition which the innovative product delivered by the STAG system manufacturer has received.

AC S.A., a manufacturer of autogas systems, offers LPG systems for any type of internal combustion engine, including units with direct petrol injection. STAG 400 DPI is a controller which has been designed to control the operation of so-called extra-injection autogas systems used in cars powered by engines with direct petrol injection. This type of engines is more and more popular and, as current tests show, they will attain a higher and higher share in the market. Hence, the producer is spurred on to forecast the needs and deliver innovative solutions.

For all fans of cars, participation in the Congress is an excellent chance to expand their knowledge and participation in the competition with the award itself is the objective proof of recognition by automotive experts.

The main organizers of the event included: Kazimierz Pulaski University of Technology and Humanities in Radom, the Department of Transport and Electrical Engineering, the National Automotive Section of the Polish Association of Engineers and Technicians of Transportation (SITK RP), as well as BETiS - Technical Expertise and Training Bureau.

III kongres ekspertow samochodowych AC STAG


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