At the end of January the Białystok Motor Championship 2015 (BMC) was officially summed up. The meeting was attended by the winners of the 2015 BMC classification, referees and participants of the 2015 BMC events.
The STAG Rally Team of rally drivers with Marcin Dziewiątkowski as the driver and Tomasz Kraczko as the pilot qualified as one of the winning teams. They took the honourable first place in the TEAM classification in the Białystok Motor Championship2015. The driver’s skills were also recognised, as he received the title of Białystok Motor 2015 Vice-Champion in the general classification and the Białystok Motor 2015 Champion in the K2 class. The awards were presented to the competitors in the general classification of the 2015 season by the honorary guest of the event, Jarosław Kazberuk, rally driver and pilot.
Marcin Dziewiątkowski, project leader and employee of the AC S.A. company, initiated the establishment of a team of rally drivers under the name of STAG Rally Team. Motoring enthusiasts who, in their own words say they have “petrol in their blood” can follow their motoring interests not only at work, but also celebrate another successful year on the track.