
Publication in cooperation with the Silesian University of Technology


The arrangement which AC S.A. and the Faculty of Transport of the Silesian University of Technology concluded, as regards mechatronics and electronics in the scope of LPG and CNG power supplies in cars, is bringing the expected results.
The Silesian University of Technology is the oldest and one of the largest universities of technology in the country. It was established in 1945 as a scientific-educational facility for the most industrial area in Poland and simultaneously one of the most industrialised areas in Europe - Upper Silesia. For the past 70 years, it has been an essential public life institution and it plays a particularly important culture and opinion forming role which is rooted in the region.  
The students, as well as the staff of the faculty, can count on the help of AC S.A. in the execution of scientific and educational projects. The cooperation also envisages that AC S.A. will issue an opinion on the educational programme as regards new technologies and solutions in the field of mechatronics and electronics in the scope of LPG and CNG in cars. The authorities of the Faculty would like the graduates to be  as well prepared as they possibly can be to start professional work, they have therefore taken care that the educational programme is adjusted to the expectations of Polish and international employers and the students have a chance to put theory into practice.

The fruit of the cooperation is the work created by a doctoral student of the University of Technology with the cooperation of specialists in the company entitled: “Economic aspects of LPG supply in a car”. It is attached below to be downloaded.




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