
STAG products at the 12th Trans Uzbekistan International Fair


Trans Uzbekistan Fair was held on 11th -13th November 2015. The delegation representing AC S.A. had the opportunity to participate at this unique specialist event organized in Uzbekistan and establish direct business contacts with local and foreign companies operating in the field of alternative vehicle fuel supply systems.
Our exhibition stand featuring STAG products was an acknowledgement of a long-lasting cooperation and excellent knowledge of technical needs and solutions of Uzbekistan’s specific market. It was a special platform dedicated to the manufacturers and suppliers of LPG/CNG solutions and systems. The exhibition was particularly relevant given the introduction of a governmental program supporting the means of transport fueled with natural gas and LPG.



The event provided a unique opportunity to establish reliable business contacts, share experiences, obtain the latest news about the market within that region, meet competitors and present our products and services in business circles in Uzbekistan and neighboring Central Asia regions.

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