
AC product awarded the title of 2015 Product of the Year


The STAG 400 DPI autogas controller was  a prize winner in the annual competition organized by the autoEXPERT monthly in the category of automotive components and accessories, for the 2015 Product of the Year.
More than 150 products designed for the automotive industry took part in the competition. In each of the three categories: workshop equipment and machinery, automotive components and accessories, and automotive cleaning and maintenance products, one serial product was selected as the prize winner and the next three products which scored the highest number of points received distinctions. The products were selected by a jury consisting of 14 experts in the science and automotive industry, who evaluated the innovative, functional and visual qualities of the submitted applications.

STAG 400 DPI works perfectly with the direct petrol injection system, which is used more and more frequently in modern petrol engines. The manufacture of the STAG 400 DPI is based on the latest technology and electronic components of the highest quality. The controller has been equipped with innovative software which offers many practical functions. All this makes it now the most modern and the best autogas controller for engines with direct petrol injection.
The prize which was awarded is another precious title in AC's portfolio, confirming the high quality of its products, care of the range of products and customer satisfaction.

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