
AC S.A. receives a prestigious international DEKRA Award 2015


AC S.A., the leading producer of autogas systems, has won the first Polish edition of international DEKRA award competition - one of the biggest global organizations carrying out tests, inspections and certifications. The Company received the award and diploma of DEKRA Award 2015 in the category of “Innovations in Automotive Industry”.
– DEKRA decided to appreciate the automotive industry, especially the companies that are becoming innovation leaders in Polish industry thanks to their professional approach to carrying out and developing their businesses - said Roman Zadrożny, the President of DEKRA Management Board in Poland.


– DEKRA decided to appreciate the automotive industry, especially the companies that are becoming innovation leaders in Polish industry thanks to their professional approach to carrying out and developing their businesses - said Roman Zadrożny, the President of DEKRA Management Board in Poland.
- We are proud of the innovative products created in our Research and Development Department. Our engineers develop solutions that set the market standards. We offer comprehensive solutions for already common LPG systems, but also for the emerging CNG systems and the market novelty - gas-diesel systems. The latter solution is highly beneficial for the owners of i.a.: trucks, buses and construction machinery -
said Katarzyna Rutkowska, President of AC S.A. Management Board.


There were only 3 automotive industry manufacturers that have been awarded in the competition. All of them, according to the independent experts, have had the greatest impact on the development of innovation - understood as the combination of i.a: process improvement, technological expansion, personnel development, innovation culture, costs optimization, responsible information management processes, cooperation with scientific and research bodies and other development institutions.


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