
AC S.A. the main sponsor of football club Jagiellonia Bialystok


Today (29.06.2015) АС company signed a sponsorship deal with one of the best clubs in Poland - Jagiellonia Bialystok. Throughout the 2015/2016 football season our STAG logo (autogas installations) will be exhibited on the front of Jagiellonia t-shirts and at the Stadium. 


źródło: Mariusz Piotrowski 

"We are local patriots, we are proud of Bialystok and our Jagiellonia team. We have a lot in common,  not only the city but the red STAG logo, which fits perfectly into the colors of Jagiellonia. We are also a leader in the industry. As a result of earlier cooperation, we decided to do it again. I am convinced that our brand STAG  on Jagiellonia t-shirt effectively promote our products in Poland and will reach a wide audience of potential customers. Let's hope that the team finishes the season in first place "- said Katarzyna Rutkowska, the President of AC S.A.


źródło: Mariusz Piotrowski 

President of Jagiellonia, Cezary Kulesza is also happy signing the agreement: “I would like to thank AC S.A. for your support. Waiting for us is the European League and it’s great that we have gained the help a local company. I hope that the cooperation will bring us many benefits, Jagiellonia and AC. I hope that next year we will meet again and will extend the contract. "
AC company, as a leader in the production of LPG/CNG installations is proud to support a leader in football!

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