
The award of the AC Company: “Inventor of the Year” and “Innovation of 2014”


The award “Innovation of 2014” still goes to the AC company. Once again the AC has taken the 1st place in the category “Production of a large company” in the ratings of “Courier Poranny” magazine and the Council of Scientific and Technological Associations NOT. This event confirms that the efforts which were made to improve the quality of the production have been noticed. For the clients of the AC company this is the another confirmation that they buy modern and high qualified products of LPG installation.

The main award (“The Innovation of the 2014”) is not the only one on the “Walk of Fame” of the AC.
The Head the “Research and Development Centre”  Tomasz Cybulko and the whole staff  were honored this award “The Inventor of the Year”. The jury has awarded them for the modern solution of the problem connecting to the work in the newest gas installation in automobiles which increase the competitiveness of the company on the market. That makes this company the leader of the country in this field.
We are proud of such talented workers of the AC company.  
According to the taking these two awards the Marshal of the Podlyadsky military, Mieczysław Bashko, has decided to nominate the company for the Poland President’s Awards in the category “Innovation”.



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