
AC on the podium among the Pearls of the Polish Economy


On 7th of November 2014 at the Royal Castle in Warsaw took place Pearls of the Polish Economy Gala. It was the 12th edition of this unique event, which was organized by the English-language publisher of the monthly Polish Market. The patronage of the Gala were: Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Economy - Janusz Piechociński, President of the Polish Academy of Sciences - Prof. Michał Kleiber and the Rector of Warsaw School of Economics- prof. Thomas Shapiro.
During the event, proclaimed the results of the ranking Pearls of the Polish Economy. We are proud to announce that the Company AC this year was on the podium occupying III place, which is a significant advancement, because last year we took seventh place.
Ranking "Pearls of the Polish Economy" is the only one in Poland and qualitative ranking is not made on the basis of subjective evaluations only based on an algorithm developed by INE PAN enterprise scheduler according to the dynamics and efficiency of their use of capital resources, means of production and labor. Every year computer INE PAN processes in this way the data from more than 2,000 of the largest Polish companies agreeing to be assessed. The set of winners includes companies whose revenues during the year amounted to at least 100 million (Pearl Large) or 1 billion.

Certyfikat ACsa perla polskiej gospodarki

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