
The best company has to be good for a long time - AC SA has once again been awarded the


"Rzeczpospolita" determined awards for the best, most dynamic and efficient companies in Poland. AC is a leading company in producing autogas installations Stag in Poland and worlwide. Stag received the honorary title - "Good Company" - as the most dynamic company in the list of 2000 companies in Poland for the fourth consecutive year on the list of the 2,000 largest companies. When selecting the winners, the judges were guided by three criteria - effectiveness (return on equity, assets and sales), development and stability (the ability to pay the debt, the intensity of investment) and growth dynamics (dynamics of income, assets, capital).

AC is the only company in the region and unique in the production of gas installations, the award-winning "Rzeczpospolita". It is worth to mention that within the rankings of 2000 companies - AC was ranked seventh among the other innovative companies.

Katarzyna Rutkowska, president of AC, received an award from the hands of Janusza Piechocińskiego - Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Economy at the gala concert in October 27, 2014.


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