
Economic Driving Expo 2013


On the 22-24.11.2013, AC SA together with our distributor - the company “Tsopelogiannis" took part in the international exhibition ”Economic Driving Expo 2013” located in  Mediterranean Exhibition Centre MEC   in Athens (Greece). It is one of the most important events in the world of autogas in Greece and in the experience of every company.
We showed a great amount of proposals on our stand, which visitors met with great interest.
The next three days of the exhibition were devoted to presentations and discussions of autogas installation.
Thanks to that, we were pleased to announce and to show visitors and guests of this exhibition complete systems LPG / CNG as well as other products of the automotive industry.


We are pleased to announce that our stand was one of the most remarkable, and the interest in our products led to the development of business contacts of our distributor in Greece and to his numerous business contacts with Europe and other parts of the world.

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