On 1st July 2014, AC S.A. launched official cooperation with Białystok University of Technology and the Electrical School Complex in Białystok. The units intend to jointly carry out research and development projects, implement new technical solutions and manage patent-related issues.
AC has already been cooperating with the Białystok University of Technology for a few years and now the Electrical School Complex has joined them, which, as emphasized by Assoc. Prof. Roman Kaczyński, Vice-Rector for Development and Cooperation at the University “is particularly valuable in relation to the new financial perspectives of the European Union for the years 2014-2020 with major funds planned to be spent on cooperation between companies, universities and secondary schools.”
AC will accept members of research clubs operating at the Electrical Engineering Faculty of the Białystok University of Technology and the Electrical Schools for internships in the company. Additionally, the signed agreement will allow AC partners access to laboratories and equipment, as well as scholarships and prizes for the best students. “We would like to promote Polish education and schools around the world. Our products are sold on more than 40 global markets, so the graduates of our schools are offered extensive opportunities for development in our companies (…). For us, signing the agreement is a new phase of greater cooperation between education and business in the electrical and electronic sector, so important for the development of our company (…).We would like to cooperate closely with the research clubs, and this has indeed already started. We also want to add our practical knowledge to the education process, so that the students have access to the latest technologies needed in business operations” – explains Katarzyna Rutkowska, Chairman of the Board at AC S.A.
Source: PB