
Battle of the Brands


On 23-25 May, the AC SA Team took part in the first edition of the “Battle of the Brands” Championships in Poland, which was a recreational and sporting event organized as a convention of owners of off-road vehicles. The convention held on the closed airfield in Nowe Miasto on Pilica gathered 142 vehicles of Suzuki, Land Rover, Jeep, Nissan, Mitsubishi and Toyota with our representation. 


The teams competed on three types of routes with skill-testing elements (for families), crossings (for vehicles configured for heavy terrain) or racing sections. 


The event started on Friday with a 2.5-hour long race around the 11 km airfield ring. For Saturday, the organizers prepared two off-road loops around Nowe Miasto, 100 km in total, in which the teams had to pass three tests: skills, obstacle crossing and racing. Sunday began with a 1/4 mile race, followed by a very spectacular competition involving pulling vehicles on kinetic recovery ropes.
The main event of Sunday morning was the “Family Car” contest, in which the competitors tried to load as many people as possible into a car of a given brand. Our Toyota Hilux was an absolute winner in this competition by fitting 56 people into it.
The event started on Friday with a 2.5-hour long race around the 11 km airfield ring. For Saturday, the organizers prepared two off-road loops around Nowe Miasto, 100 km in total, in which the teams had to pass three tests: skills, obstacle crossing and racing. Sunday began with a 1/4 mile race, followed by a very spectacular competition involving pulling vehicles on kinetic recovery ropes.
The main event of Sunday morning was the “Family Car” contest, in which the competitors tried to load as many people as possible into a car of a given brand. Our Toyota Hilux was an absolute winner in this competition by fitting 56 people into it.
The event started on Friday with a 2.5-hour long race around the 11 km airfield ring. For Saturday, the organizers prepared two off-road loops around Nowe Miasto, 100 km in total, in which the teams had to pass three tests: skills, obstacle crossing and racing. Sunday began with a 1/4 mile race, followed by a very spectacular competition involving pulling vehicles on kinetic recovery ropes.
The main event of Sunday morning was the “Family Car” contest, in which the competitors tried to load as many people as possible into a car of a given brand. Our Toyota Hilux was an absolute winner in this competition by fitting 56 people into it.
The event started on Friday with a 2.5-hour long race around the 11 km airfield ring. For Saturday, the organizers prepared two off-road loops around Nowe Miasto, 100 km in total, in which the teams had to pass three tests: skills, obstacle crossing and racing. Sunday began with a 1/4 mile race, followed by a very spectacular competition involving pulling vehicles on kinetic recovery ropes.
The main event of Sunday morning was the “Family Car” contest, in which the competitors tried to load as many people as possible into a car of a given brand. Our Toyota Hilux was an absolute winner in this competition by fitting 56 people into it.
The event started on Friday with a 2.5-hour long race around the 11 km airfield ring. For Saturday, the organizers prepared two off-road loops around Nowe Miasto, 100 km in total, in which the teams had to pass three tests: skills, obstacle crossing and racing. Sunday began with a 1/4 mile race, followed by a very spectacular competition involving pulling vehicles on kinetic recovery ropes.
The main event of Sunday morning was the “Family Car” contest, in which the competitors tried to load as many people as possible into a car of a given brand. Our Toyota Hilux was an absolute winner in this competition by fitting 56 people into it.

Among all six brands, the Jeep collected the highest number of points and was followed by Mitsubishi and Suzuki. Jeep was represented by the largest group of owners (39 vehicles) with the best preparation for off-road. Mitsubishi Team (13 vehicles) turned out to be unbeatable in skill battles, where coordination and direct engagement of team members was required. Suzuki Team (12 vehicles) was the smallest, though the most motivated group focusing on “quality instead of quantity”. They gave an example of determination and coordinated work and won the pull rounds. Toyota (17 vehicles) focused on racing by using its competitive edge in dynamic performance and power. Toyota drivers were unrivalled on special stage racing sections. The 5th position of Nissan was quite a surprise (32 vehicles), as Nissan drivers concentrated more on integration than competition. Land Rover (20 vehicles) did not show much of a competitive streak, as the group focused more on the beautiful scenery of the area than in participating in the challenges. 

More photos and information can be found on the organizer’s website: 

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