
AC awarded for innovations


AC S.A. has been rated as one of the nine most innovative companies in the Podlaskie Province. The award was presented by the Jury of the Innovations 2013 survey of Kurier Poranny (Morning Courier) daily paper, made by the experts of the Polish Federation of Engineering Associations (NOT) and the Faculty of Management at the Białystok University of Technology.


The Jury awarded competitors in three categories: manufacturers, inventors and service providers. AC received an award in the category of manufacturers. 
This year’s edition included a few dozen competing companies. Applications were assessed by the Jury members and verified during on-site reviews. Based on that, the assessors made the final decision to grant the awards and honorable mentions. 
Organizers of the survey are: Kurier Poranny Daily and NOT Branch in Białystok.

The winners of Innovations 2013 awards (from left): superintendent Mirosław Sienkiewicz, Customs Chamber in Białystok (honorable mention for the most innovative office), Jacek Kłos, Plum (manufacturers), Henryk Owsiejew, Malow (special award), Andrzej Sobolewski, ChM (inventor), Mariusz Jurczewski, Empem (services), Wojciech Piekarski, AC S.A. (manufacturers), Andrzej Dunaj, KSB Grupa (services), Joanna Podbielska, Mlekovita (special award).

Fot. Wojciech Wojtkielewicz, Kurier Poranny, Strefa Biznesu

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