
Racing on FORMULA ONE circuit with AC

AC S.A. has been a major strategic partner of Białystok University of Technology for a couple of years. Cooperation does not cover only co-managed projects or seminars, but also support for research clubs operations. The best example is the Cerber Motorsport team starting its preparations for the next edition of the Formula Student racing competition.
The Cerber Motorsport Team sponsored by AC debuted in Formula Student races on the Formula One circuit in Hockenheimring, Germany and participated in Formula Student Hungary competition in Gyor. The team is formed by students of Białystok University of Technology – the official builder of the racing car.
The Formula Student events were started in the USA in the 70’s to combine the competition of students representing different universities with the idea of building racing cars by individual teams. Currently, it is an international event organized in more than ten countries around the world with more than 500 academic team competitors. 
AC S.A. has been a major strategic partner of Białystok University of Technology for a couple of years. Cooperation does not cover only co-managed projects or seminars, but also support for research clubs operations. The best example is the Cerber Motorsport team starting its preparations for the next edition of the Formula Student racing competition.
The Cerber Motorsport Team sponsored by AC debuted in Formula Student races on the Formula One circuit in Hockenheimring, Germany and participated in Formula Student Hungary competition in Gyor. The team is formed by students of Białystok University of Technology – the official builder of the racing car.
The Formula Student events were started in the USA in the 70’s to combine the competition of students representing different universities with the idea of building racing cars by individual teams. Currently, it is an international event organized in more than ten countries around the world with more than 500 academic team competitors. 

AC SA has been sponsoring Cerber since 2013

AC SA has been sponsoring Cerber since 2013. The support given by AC SA included provision of electronic enclosures, components for cable harnesses and covering the costs of professional shock absorbers purchased for racing cars.

The offered help turned the team representing Białystok University of Technology into a great success – currently it is the top-ranked Polish university in the international ranking! The students received the Sportsmanship Award granted by the organizers of the German Formula Student Competition for assistance provided to other teams experiencing technical problems. The movie reporting on the struggle in the racing project took the 2nd place in the Media Award competition.
AC SA has been sponsoring Cerber since 2013. The support given by AC SA included provision of electronic enclosures, components for cable harnesses and covering the costs of professional shock absorbers purchased for racing cars.
The offered help turned the team representing Białystok University of Technology into a great success – currently it is the top-ranked Polish university in the international ranking! The students received the Sportsmanship Award granted by the organizers of the German Formula Student Competition for assistance provided to other teams experiencing technical problems. The movie reporting on the struggle in the racing project took the 2nd place in the Media Award competition.

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