
Best of the Best in the Rzeczpospolita 2000 List – AC S.A. Once Again Won the Good Company Title


As every year the Rzeczpospolita daily has awarded the Good Company prizes to the best enterprises in Poland, i.e. to the most dynamic and effective. AC S.A. – a leader in Poland and an internationally recognised manufacturer of STAG autogas systems - has been awarded the prestigious Good Company title as the best developing enterprise for the third time in a row being listed in the 2000 largest enterprises in Poland.



While choosing the winners the chapter looked at the dynamic growth of sales in the years 2009-12 and the increase of assets and capital. Efficiency ratios were taken into consideration as well. The capability of enterprises to develop was also rated, and it was measured by ratios of capital expenditure and debts. As the only company in the region and the sole business in the  industry of manufacturers of autogas systems, AC has been distinguished by being awarded this prestigious title.
It should be mentioned that a league table of innovative companies has been produced and out of the 2000 companies on the list AC has been ranked 11th!

Prizes were presented by Janusz Piechociński, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Economy, during a gala ceremony held on  the 2nd  December 2013 at the Ministry of Economy.


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