
STAG DIESEL – ¾ of our 100 000 km test completed!


Last year we started another test of our LPG fueling system for Diesel engines. A STAG DIESEL controller was installed in a Toyota Hilux which was to undergo a 100,000 km test run in order to verify its correct operation over long distances. The  controller is specifically dedicated for vehicles with very high annual millage. The remaining distance to the end of the test run is approx. 30 000 km (the car is on the road all the time) and the final results of the tests will be known in less than 3 months. However, today it can be evidently concluded that the LPG system has had no negative impact on the Diesel engine. The TOYOTA’s engine is regularly disassembled in the presence of an assessor who checks items including valve clearance and the wearing of engine components. This confirms the theory that autogas systems can be operated in new Diesel engines.


Check out our gallery of photographs taken on the test run of the Hilux, which covered not only Polish roads, but also Hungary, Slovakia, Serbia, Bulgaria, Romania, Greece, Macedonia, Bosnia and the Czech Republic.

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