


Polish dealers of Mitsubishi Motors now offer ASX, Lancer and Colt equipped with LPG systems with a full guarantee. LPG systems can be installed both in new and used Mitsubishi cars. Supplying vehicles with LPG is significantly cheaper – the cost of driving 100 km in Mitsubishi ASX with LPG is only 22 PLN.


Mitsubishi ASX

Significant savings
Using LPG fuelled cars brings huge savings – LPG required for driving 100 km in Mitsubishi ASX, Lancer or Colt will cost less than ½ of the petrol price. The cost of installing the LPG system will be returned after approx. 20 000 km.


Mitsubishi ASX, Lancer and Colt LPG
LPG kits can be installed in Mitsubishi ASX 1.6 (engine code 4A92) for PLN 4 200, Lancer Sportback MT with 1.6 and 1.8 petrol engines (engine codes 4A92, 4B10, 4J10) for PLN 4000 and Colt 1.3 MT (engine code 4A90) for PLN 3900 including a special conversion for the installation of LPG. The offer is presented both to the buyers of new Mitsubishi cars and the owners of used ones.

Mitsubishi Colt

Full guarantee
All components are covered by the guarantee of the manufacturer - AC S.A. and the warranty period for installations in new Mitsubishi cars is 3 years with a  100 000 km limit, however the warranty is valid for the first 24 months, regardless of the number of kilometers on the clock. For the further 12 months the guarantee has a 100 000 km limit. The guarantee and kilometer count period  starts from the beginning of the guarantee of LPG system.

The warranty period for installations in used Mitsubishi cars is 24 months without limits on the distance travelled. After this period, and, provided that the car is still covered by the basic Mitsubishi warranty, the period for the guarantee of the installation will be extended until the end of the  basic Mitsubishi warranty for the vehicle, however, no longer than for   3 years or when the 100 000 km limit is reached (whichever comes first), counted from the start of the basic Mitsubishi warranty for the vehicle. Thus, the LPG warranty shall be valid until the end of the vehicle warranty, and will cover at least 24 months.

The Mitsubishi Extended Warranty Program (5 years or 300 000 km) does not cover LPG system components, however, it does not limit the insurance for the vehicle engine. Warranty inspections should be performed every 10 000 km, or at least once a year, by AC S.A. authorized Service Operators of Mitsubishi Motors and AC S.A. Partner Service Points. The list of service points can be found at


Mitsubishi Lancer

STAG systems by AC
The supplier of LPG systems is A.C. S.A. - the unquestionable autogas leader in Poland offering STAG brand products based on high-precision controllers and mechanical components of the highest quality (including reducers and injection rails) designed for the most modern  engines. The air-to-fuel ratio and injection cycles are managed directly by the petrol controller, which results in the precise dosing and injection of fuel. This eliminates problems with reduced power and brings fuel savings without compromising engine safety.

Source: Press release of Mitsubishi Motors Corporation

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