
STAG interactive at GasShow 2013


We would like to thank everybody, who invited our stand during exhibition GasShow 2013 in Warsaw, which turned out to be very successful event for the whole autogas industry.

This year the motive of our appearance at the exhibition was the presentation of  the Research and Development center of AC SA. We moved our visitors to the world of researches, explained the way of testing the products of AC,  prior to their introduction to the market. We proved the fact that it is necessary to rely on carefully tasted autogas systems, which are resistant to various climatic conditions, a wide range of temperatures and other factors, which occur during driving.

The exhibition was a great chance to represent novelties of AC offer, namely sequential gas injection systems for diesel engines – systems STAG Diesel; intellectual and compact controller STAG 4 Q BOX Basic or other solutions with direct fuel injection STAG 400 DPI. We also introduced the new mechanical autogas systems, namely reducer  LPG AC R02 (to 120KM), reducer CNG and injection rail AC W02. We presented a number of novelties in autogas electronics, for instance wideband oxygen sensor controller STAG AFR, reducers heaters and new timing advanced processor.

As each year we presented the new range of cars powered by gas. At the exposition of car in front of the hall we presented STAG Diesel systems in the car Citroen Jumper, where we used the version powered by natural gas. LPG version of STAG Diesel was presented in agricultural tractor and tractor units. Installation of liquid phase gas injection STAG 400 DPI was presented in version powered by CNG in Hyundaiu ix35. LPG tanks under the trademark TytanGas  had absolute premiere during exhibition.  We include the wide range of them into the AC SA offer. The variety of toroidal tanks include 45 sizes offered in different volumes from 27 to 89 l. Cylindrical tanks were offered in volumes from 20 to 110 l in 35 sizes.

A great final of the exhibition was the award  to AC SA of the prize INPRO 2012 in category of Autogas Systems LPG and CNG for new product STAG DIESEL.

Thank you very much for those two days spent in productive discussions and meetings, for  valuable remarks and comments, which are the priceless source of information, as due to which we create the products of high quality, which have already gain the confidence of millions of drivers all around the world. See you soon during GasShow 2014!

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