
AC SA honoured as the Pearl of the Polish Economy


We have the pleasure of informing you that our company, AC SA, has been honoured with the title of “The Pearl of the Polish Economy” in the category Large Pearls, for the consistent realisation of its policy and strategy and the leading position among the most dynamic and effective enterprises in Poland.

The jubilee 10th Gala of the Pearls of the Polish Economy, organised by the publisher of the “Polish Market”, English-language monthly, under the patronage of Waldemar Pawlak, the Deputy Prime Minister and the Minister of Economy, and Prof. Michał Kleiber, the President of the Polish Academy of Science, was held on 16 November at the Royal Castle in Warsaw. More than 400 people participated in it – the representatives of the biggest Polish enterprises, as well as people representing national authorities and the world of science, culture and diplomacy.

We are very proud that the activities and consistently realised strategy of AC SA were appreciated and the company was ranked among the most dynamically and effectively developing companies in Poland. The Pearls of the Polish Economy survey is one of the most unbiased competitions evaluating Polish companies thanks to the method of how the award is granted. It is not based on subjective assessments of the members of the chapter, but on the algorithm developed by the Institute of Economic Sciences at the Polish Academy of Sciences, which takes into consideration various aspects of the enterprises' activity including, but not limited to, income, efficiency, dynamics and financial liquidity. More than two thousand of the biggest Polish companies took place in the survey this year, but only 226 enterprises met the criteria.

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