
GasShow 2012 – another step in the building of a strong brand


We wish to thank everybody for visiting our C01 stand at the GasShow 2012 International Exhibiton. We participated in this year’s event under the slogan: “Explore The World with STAG”. Similarly to previous years, we presented a variety of LPG/CNG converted cars, including Toyota FJ Cruiser - ultimately a STAG brand ambassador at every major rally raid in Poland and abroad. Our Q-BOX Q-FORMULE contest, where participants had to estimate the weight of a heap of the latest STAG-4 Q-BOX controllers, also attracted a lot of interest. Hundreds of people responded by supplying their suggestions hoping to win the outstanding award - an invitation for 2 people to join Formula 1 Grand Prix in Italy. AC S.A.'s involvement in the exhibition was crowned with receiving the INPRO 2012 award in the category of “LPG/CNG automobile systems” for its latest STAG-4 QBOX controller. 

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