Applications for mobile devices are now such common as ringtones, wallpapers and games downloaded into cell phones previously. They entertain, educate, supply data, while being a very useful and proven tool. The users are happy to use such applications, especially those developed and customized to changing needs. Commonly used "Apps" have inspired also the manufacturer of STAG autogas systems to expand the offer with multimedia solutions.
The Polish company AC S.A. presented a comprehensive approach and developed two applications for LPG-fuelled car drivers and each of them is designed for slightly different users. The first of them, GasComputer - gas on-board computer allowing a more astute driver to view autogas system parameters. This application enables control of average and current LPG consumption, travelling costs and distance (due to GPS). In addition, it allows readout of any errors stored in the autogas system controller. The application has also the Panel OBD tab that enables the most important operating parameters of the engine converted to gas (if the controller is compatible with on-board diagnostics, but the STAG 200 GoFast and STAG-4 QBOX BASIC models are not). It is important that GasComputer does not allow to modify settings of the LPG controller - the application is a data display only.
GasComputer can be downloaded free. You must pay only for the Bluetooth Next interface – a component necessary for communication between the STAG controller and a mobile device on which a parameter monitoring application is installed.
STAG Mobile
STAG Mobile offers the highest degree of initiation. This free application provides access to all setup options of the controller. This is a mobile version of AC STAG desktop application. As modifications made by unauthorized persons unskilled in gas installation adjustment could void the LPG system warranty, the use of STAG Mobile is reserved for professionals only. This is a very useful tool in workshops, but is available also to other users, not only professional mechanics. This allows wireless corrections to be made (through the Bluetooth Next interface) without the need to open the hood and connect a computer to the gas installation diagnostic connector.
STAG Mobile enables not only more convenient (as a large laptop can be replaced by a smaller tablet or even smartphone) and wireless calibration. This is also the integration of OBD2/EOBD scanner in single application and one "package" (if the controller supports OBD; this function cannot work on STAG 200 GoFast and STAG-4 QBOX BASIC), thus reducing the number of diagnostic tools used in a workshop. Although, these tools are not too large and take a small space, they have the tendency to mislaying, thus it is better to keep one STAG Mobile than a number of tools. With STAG Mobile all Q-Generation controllers: STAG-4 QBOX, STAG-4 QNEXT, STAG-300 QMAX Plus, and even STAG 400 DPI for direct injection can be operated.
Entering mobile applications into the world of LPG installations was only a question of time. The STAG brand is well prepared for oncoming revolution due to the three proposals in this area, and each of them meets the needs and expectations of different users. Now, all drivers and technicians servicing cars equipped with STAG systems will be able to control proper operation of autogas systems correspondingly to their automotive knowledge - without the need to open the hood, and even without getting off the car. There is something mobile for everybody!