
Q-generation - professional hardware platform


The new STAG controllers (QBOX, QNEXT and QMAX) offered by AC S.A. are based on professional hardware platforms equipped with a processor dedicated for automotive applications.

This is a 32-bit processor. Previously, in the 4 Plus controller family  8-bit processors were used. This means that the processor used in Q-generation is four times faster. Such improvement significantly increased the controller computing capacity that combined with increased RAM creates an opportunity for further development of these devices and integration, for example with various emulators.

24 kB RAM is used in Q-generation controllers. Previously 4 kB RAM was used in LPG controllers manufactured by AC S.A. Also Flash memory has been increased. Now, 256 kB Flash memory is used compared to 64 kB installed earlier in STAG controllers.

This also increases the capacity of Q-generation controllers.

The use of a processor dedicated specifically for automotive applications results from extremely harsh operating conditions in car engine compartments where LPG controllers are installed.

At first place, there are highly variable temperatures. During the winter season temperatures drop below zero, while in the summer they may rise above 100ºC.

The Q-generation LPG controllers are obviously used in spark-ignition petrol-fuelled engines equipped with high tension (HT) ignition systems. They generate very strong electromagnetic interferences (EMI) that may affect electronic subassemblies. Therefore, beside the processor also other electronic components are thoroughly selected, also for its reliability, and used in STAG controllers.

The Q-generation LPG controllers are being constantly developed and improved. Practically, new options increasing controller capacity appear with each new software edition.

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