
The GasShow 2017 fair marked by the release of an AC SA innovative technology


The GasShow 2017 fair has been chosen as the venue for the release of an innovative autogas system created by AC S.A., a manufacturer of innovative LPG/CNG systems of the STAG brand. AC S.A. has received a patent for a product, which is unique on a world scale – an LPG system with a gas injector for direct fuel injection engines. The STAG 500 DIS controller, the system in question, was the main theme of the AC S.A. stand at the fair.

gasshow17 STAG 500 DIS

GasShow 2017 is the largest European event for the LPG/CNG/LNG industry. AC S.A., a leader in the autogas market, had no choice but to participate and present its innovative vehicle power supply technology. “The system which we have patented is adapted to direct fuel injection engines. As the first in the world, our solution will be adapted to work with double injection engines. We are incredibly happy and cannot wait for the release”, said AC S.A. Training & Technical Support Department Manager, Marcin Trocki.

Gasshow17 stoisko STAGGasshow17 stoisko stag

During the GasShow 2017 fair, AC S.A. not only surprised other exhibitors with the innovative technology but also with the arrangement of its 120 m2 stand. Thanks to the faultless organisation and special multimedia effects, those visiting the AC S.A. stand had an opportunity to learn about the company and get to know its product range. Smart solutions allowed visitors to see the product specification at a touch, and to learn about the newest technologies through specially prepared cars. The intensive efforts of the Marketing Department that were focused on making the company successful during the fair have achieved their desired effect.

gasshow17 STAG EXPO XXIGasshow17 stag 500 dis

The event took place on 7–8 April this year in the EXPO XXI Expocentre in Warsaw. The AC S.A. stand (E1) was placed strategically, opposite the entrance to the hall.

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