Chain of STAG service points

The extensive chain of STAG service points gives the feeling of safety during journeys, regardless of where you are going.


The correct installation of a gas system is the key here. Qualified employees at the STAG service point use state-of-the-art diagnostic and repair devices to guarantee top professionalism.

The vehicle is checked or repaired in a short time.


Only the STAG service point gives you the certainty that top quality original spare parts have been used for repairs.

A STAG workshop ensures professional services at reasonable prices.


A service point guarantee for the conducted repairs and spare parts used for this purpose.

STAG Authorised Service Points

  • professional installation and precise adjustment,
  • long-term experience,
  • participation in the manufacturer’s training sessions,
  • free guarantee repair all over the country,
  • STAG type approval

The STAG Authorised Service Points form a chain of points on the map of Poland that are closely related to the brand. The service points are recognisable thanks to the characteristic graphics of the chain, both in front of the facility and inside. They meet the most stringent requirements: the workshop guarantees qualified personnel, a reliable and professional approach to the customer, and ensures that only top quality original spare parts are used for repairs. In addition, they constantly aim at raising their qualifications and the modernisation of their equipment.


Recommended workshops

  • professional installation and precise adjustment,
  • experience in the industry,
  • participation in the manufacturer’s training sessions

They ensure high-quality services, original parts and technical solutions of the STAG brand. Technical advisors  keep employee qualifications at a high level and also access and update knowledge about the latest technical solutions and the company offer.


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