Mobile applications




GAS COMPUTER is an innovative solution allowing the control of LPG combustion in cars equipped with the latest generation of STAG autogas systems. Download and use for free.

Exceptional features of the tool



The application works only with Q-generation controllers, i.e. STAG-4 QBOX, STAG-4 QNEXT, STAG-300 QMAX.

Operation is simple and will satisfy even the most demanding users – for communication with the controller, the use of Bluetooth Next or USB is recommended – only when the Smartphone/tablet is equipped with the so-called USB host.

Remember that the application is free.

New functions:



STAG MOBILE is a comfortable and easy application used to access the full software of AC STAG on a smartphone or tablet. With this free application you can access all the controller’s configuration options. The application is a mobile version of the desktop AC STAG application.

Exceptional features of the tool:




The application only works with the Q-generation and DPI controllers, i.e. STAG-4 QBOX, STAG-4 QBOX NEXT, STAG-300 QMAX, STAG-400 DPI. You only need a dedicated STAG Bluetooth NEXT interface and STAG MOBILE application installed in a smartphone to start.

Remember that the application is free.

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