Chassis dynamometer

Chassis dynamometer

The chassis dynamometer of AC S.A. is also one of the most modern units in the country. With a great amount of prototype, experimental and test operations, it is necessary to verify the units under all types of load that occur in everyday use. Apart from verifying the impact of the environment, electromagnetic pulses and radiation, an obvious necessity is to check the system under a load that occurs in the normal use of the car. This is possible with our Research and Development Center equipped with an excellent dyno station.

External customers can use our diagnostic tool. It is used to simulate engine loads that can occur during the normal movement of a vehicle on the road, without having to leave the laboratory environment. It is possible to check on a living organism how all units connected to the engine will behave when the latter is exposed to standard, everyday road conditions. Such laboratory observations provide a lot of useful information and make it possible to perform continuous testing if it is comprehensively carried out in different rooms of the AC Research and Development Center.

The dynamometer located in the AC SA Research and Development Centre is designed for continuous operation with vehicles up to 1000 HP! There are only two facilities of this kind in Poland. Therefore we are not closed to external companies and are willing to make our resources available to all interested organizations. Our Outsourcing Department will be pleased to prepare an individual offer for every customer.

How does it work? The car is placed on the test stand and where the simulation of specific driving conditions is started. It is possible to check the operation of all elements in any test mode (urban, non-urban, mixed) under different load and speed conditions, with a speed range of up to 180-240 km/h. Extreme loads indicate whether systems and units are working correctly – including gas emission analysis. This is to ensure that the tested products will be reliable in any conditions.

AC chassis dynamometer is a test stand which has been designed using the latest measuring technology achievements. It not only offers comfort for the engineers, but more importantly, accuracy and precision of readings, detailed information on tested parameters and a wide range of applications. Watch our movies and photos presenting our equipment.




Centrum Badawczo – Rozwojowe wraz wyposażeniem jest współfinansowane ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Rozwoju Regionalnego w ramach Programu Operacyjnego Innowacyjna Gospodarka, 2007-2013.

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