Diagnostic program AC LPG WIN v1.81

Controllers: Stag-XL 50, 100, 150


Controllers: STAG QBOX Basic/Plus, STAG QMAX Basic/Plus, STAG 400 DPI, TAP03 02/01, STAG DIESEL

Please be informed that a service update of QGeneration firmware (QBox, QNext, QMax) is required for new installations and for systems arriving for periodic maintenance . The software change is dictated by the need to maintain compatibility with functional and technological changes introduced in the QGeneration product line. The application with the update package number v0.36 should be downloaded directly from https://www.ac.com.pl/download-center-Software and carry out the update on all computers used to set calibration on controllers in the cars. Please do not postpone this actions and carry it out as soon as possible.

  • Pobierz   DocsAcStag-
  • Pobierz   SetupAcStag-

Diagnostic AC TAP

STAG 200 Easy

Controllers: STAG 200 GoFast


Controllers: STAG 300 Plus/ISA2/Premium, STAG 4 ECO/Plus

  • Pobierz   SetupAcGasSynchro-

AcGasSynchro v1.14.1.0 (STAG-200, STAG-300)

Controllers: STAG 300, STAG 200

  • Pobierz   SetupAcGasSynchro- (STAG-200, STAG-300)


SXC 1011

Interface USB

  • Pobierz   USB interface drivers for AC
    Windows: Vista, Win.7, Win.8, Win.10


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