Automotive laboratory
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Electromagnetic Compatibility Laboratory
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Environmental testing laboratory
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Chassis dynamometer
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The engine dynamometer
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Centro di Ricerca e Sviluppo


AC S.A. is a company guided by tradition and ambitions. Thanks to our long-term experience, we know that the key to success lies in investment in knowledge and development. In order to fulfil the company’s mission, which is based on its adopted values, we choose innovativeness. Hence the idea for creating the Research Centre which, apart from the search for new directions for product development, is to support the processes that are currently operational in the company. This led to the establishment of the Research and Development Centre of AC S.A.

A complex of laboratories and 7 technical departments, equipped with specialised and fully-automated machines and tools are housed in an area of 2000 square metres. There are 40 technicians, electronic engineers, mechanics and IT engineers working creatively in the laboratories, workshops and engine and chassis dynamometer labs every day to develop our technologies. Our research teams use the workshop test stands to examine cars with internal combustion engines, including petrol, hybrid, diesel and direct-injection petrol units. The company has its own LPG/CNG filling station with gas tanks for internal technology needs.

The Research and Development Centre plays many roles. The key one obviously involves the creative work performed there. Prototype design is the most interesting and, at the same time, the most attractive element of the concept-related activities of our scientists. Innovativeness, inventiveness and the precise testing of new products constitute the greatest assets of the company. The technicians manage the quality of existing products and constantly enhance the production processes.

The research activities of the company are also based on close cooperation and experience exchange with universities and research institutions operating in the automotive sector. Such relations bring measurable benefits to both parties.

The following facilities are used by AC S.A itself and the needs of outsourcing services:

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