AC Automotive Laboratory
AC Automotive Laboratory is called the essence of innovation, as the works performed in the department take place only within the field of modern and so far unknown technologies, which are not used in mass production yet. A team of specialized personnel tests prototype solutions, seeks for the best options and combinations supporting the functionality of mechanical or electronic components and other parts of autogas systems. The laboratory takes in outside orders and is able to perform any test related to mechanical or automation disciplines, as we have high-quality equipment and a group of experienced specialists. All testing carried out is solely research-oriented. No commercial activities are performed on the premises. The facilities offered to customers for outside research allow the testing of any automotive solutions in passenger cars, lorries, oversize vehicles, trucks, tractors and buses for up to 25 people.
AC Automotive Laboratory implements its projects on a continuous basis, so in order to book the lab and arrange the terms of cooperation, please contact the Outsourcing Department.
Centrum Badawczo – Rozwojowe wraz wyposażeniem jest współfinansowane ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Rozwoju Regionalnego w ramach Programu Operacyjnego Innowacyjna Gospodarka, 2007-2013.